Prices and Features

We strongly advise purchasing the car’s history using our Full Check, the most comprehensive report supported by a £30,000 data guarantee.



Most comprehensive check

  • £30,000 Guarantee
  • Outstanding Finance Check
  • Log Book Loan check
  • Valuation
  • Written Off
  • Salvage History Check
  • Advanced Mileage Check
  • Stolen Check
  • Ex-Taxi Check
  • Safety Recalls
  • Imported/Exported
  • Prev. Keepers
  • VIN Check
  • Colour Changes
  • Plate Changes
  • 80+ more data checks
Buy 1 Full Check for £9.99
Bundles from £5.99Buy 3 Full Check Vouchers for £20.99 (£6.99 each)Buy 5 Full Check Vouchers for £29.99 (£5.99 each)


Partial data only

  • £30,000 Guarantee
  • Outstanding Finance Check
  • Log Book Loan check
  • Valuation
  • Written Off
  • Salvage History Check
  • Advanced Mileage Check
  • Stolen Check
  • Ex-Taxi Check
  • Safety Recalls
  • Imported/Exported
  • Prev. Keepers
  • VIN Check
  • Colour Changes
  • Plate Changes
  • 80+ more data checks
Buy 1 Standard Check for £5.99


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